There are numerous reasons why you could be planning on transitioning your household to well water with the new year. In addition to the cost savings you get to reap by not utilizing the public water supply, you also have complete control over the quality of water your household uses. But just because you are ready to have a well drilled on your property does not mean that the only step you need to take is hiring contractors and having your new water supply set up. Rather, the well contractors need to take several aspects into account to make sure that an optimum site is identified before they can break ground. To help you learn what goes into this decision, here are some of the factors that contractors will take into account before embarking on residential well drilling.
Well drilling contractors will factor in the local laws
One thing that may surprise you about well drilling is that the laws governing the location of a residential well can vary from one state to another. These regulations will stipulate the distance that the residential well must be from utilities such as buildings, roads, and, in some cases, natural sources of water. The well contractors will have to acquaint themselves with the specific laws of your city to ensure that well drilling does not have an adverse impact on the city's water supply.
You should also keep in mind that in some scenarios, the local zoning laws could also determine whether a well can be drilled on the property or not, so the contractors must look into this before they can go ahead with the project.
Well drilling contractors will factor in the incline of your property
A misconception that some homeowners have regarding well drilling is that it should be done at the lowest-lying point of their property, as this will be the closest to underground water, but they are sorely mistaken. The reality is that the lower the well is drilled, the higher the likelihood of the water getting contaminated regularly, and this is because the runoff from rainwater will direct fertilizer, soil, pesticides, and other pollutants into the well. Consequently, you will be unable to use the water, making this project a waste of money. Before the contractors can commence well drilling, they need to take into account the overall incline of your residential property so that they can identify the best elevation for the well.
For more information about well drilling, contact a local business.