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Three Frames That Are Perfect To Celebrate A Beach Vacation

Many families take beach vacations, traveling abroad to spend time at a resort that offers pristine beaches and fun opportunities to swim. You'll likely take a lot of photos during your beach vacation, and while you'll almost certainly post lots of these images on social media, you may also want to frame a print or two to display in your home. A plain frame can be suitable, but another option is to have a custom frame made that will tie in with the beach theme. Here are three options that you can pursue with your framing professional.


People of all ages often enjoy collecting driftwood on the beach and marveling at its smooth texture. Seeing a piece of driftwood can conjure up memories of your beach vacation, so this material can be ideal to include in your custom picture frame. If you happened to bring a few small pieces of driftwood home from your beach vacation as a keepsake, consider giving them to your framer. He or she can come up with a way to mount this wood to the custom frame. If you don't have driftwood but like this idea, your framer can find some driftwood and incorporate it.


Another option that may appeal to you — and that will be a perfect fit to frame a photo of your beach vacation — is a hollow, glass custom frame that is filled with sand. Your framing professional will carefully fill the frame with yellow or white sand to give your frame a unique look. If you happened to collect some sand on your vacation, which is something that some families enjoy doing, your framer can use it for this special frame idea. Provide it to him or her in a zip-top plastic bag when you discuss your framing preferences.


Seashells are another icon of a beach vacation and can add to the visual appeal of your custom picture frame. There are many different ways that a creative framing professional can incorporate shells into your frame design, but a simple option is to use a conventional frame and then cover the front surface of it with a number of tiny shells. These may be some shells that you collected at the beach, or they may simply be generic, store-bought shells. Once you load your family photo into your custom picture frame, you'll appreciate just how well the frame complements the look of your photo.

Once you've decided on a style, order custom photo frames from an experienced framer.